Sesq wrote on 18.11.2023: Foarte bun sv , GG Rating: Very Good
Aradiaz wrote on 16.11.2023: Serveru e ok il recomand ai ce face pe el Rating: Very Good
CoelhoRapido wrote on 15.11.2023: Foarte bun server recomand Rating: Very Good
Shaco wrote on 13.11.2023: Cel mai mișto server din lume,Best in the world! Rating: Very Good
GAREN wrote on 13.11.2023: Un SERVER foarte bun, aveti di toate aicea;
Haide si tu ca de nu te trimit in DEMACIA Rating: Very Good
Mirinda wrote on 08.11.2023: Un server care merita cu adevarat si pe care il recomand, evenimentele sunt top nu am vazut nicaieri asa ceva, se vede ca serverul nu e facut pentru bani.Keep up the good work! Rating: Very Good
Cora wrote on 04.11.2023: Very good server. Rating: Very Good
PatruGloante wrote on 30.10.2023: Cel mai misto server pe care l-am vazut,va astept la pvp bajeti. Rating: Very Good
KYSDAR wrote on 26.10.2023: Recomand, very good server. Rating: Very Good
Makima wrote on 26.10.2023: Bună vreau sa spun doar atât : un server minunat cu oameni minunați ;
Mulțumesc ca ai citit mesajul meu, hai și tu ! Rating: Very Good
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