Metin2 P Server



German Server | Newschool | New Level & Game Experience | New Systems | Daily Events | Improved QOL | Max. Lv 125 | [ START 22.06.24 ] |
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Language: DE
Online since: 12.11.2023
Max. Lv: 125
Rates: 9500%
2268 Votes
Category: Newschool Root
Overall grade: Good (33 Reviews)

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  Player comments

23 total comments. 11 - 20 on this page.

    de Igor wrote on 01.06.2024:
    Top Server! Jeder der was anderes sagt lügt
    Rating: Very Good

    de Syntax wrote on 29.05.2024:
    Haltlose Beschuldigungen? Ich habe glaube ich genug Belege die ich gerne auch nachher nochmal teile :) Lächerlich bist du der wirklich versucht auf Biegen und Brechen Leute zu verarschen um paar Euros zu machen. Nadann werde ich nach der Arbeit Mal alles rauskramen wofür Snus bekannt ist um dir die Belege zu liefern und um meine Aussagen zu Untermauern.
    Rating: Very bad

    de Syntax wrote on 28.05.2024:
    This guy is known to be a scammer... He got banned on m2dl for scamming and now hes trying to take his serverfiles, he bought from somewhere, online the 2nd time... First time he was trying to get money out of the players as soon as they joined... He cant code and he cant edit the server at all. Dont trust him and make sure to keep your money. And dont expect any updates.

    He also is rude to a lot of people who exposed him or dont want to help.

    If its the same server like before you cant even play it till end game sooo... Just dont play it 😂😂
    Rating: Very bad

    de Gringo wrote on 27.05.2024:
    Wirklich! Ein guter Server der spaß macht.
    Rating: Very Good

    de Ork wrote on 25.05.2024:
    Baba Server !
    Rating: Very Good

    de Oskar wrote on 28.04.2024:
    Bin sehr Zufrieden
    Rating: Very Good

    de Oliver wrote on 19.04.2024:
    Server Top! Trailer Top! <3
    Rating: Very Good

    de Mango wrote on 18.04.2024:
    Einer der besten Server!
    Rating: Very Good

    de Hypie wrote on 17.04.2024:
    Bin mega hyped ehrlich trailer mies stark!!
    Rating: Very Good

    de Esynx wrote on 15.01.2024:
    Snus ist ein bekannter Abzocker. Fragt die Spieler direkt nach Spenden und beherrscht die Materie 0. Erwartet keine Fixxes oder Updates da der Typ einfach kein plan hat und nur aufs Geld aus ist.
    Rating: Very bad

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