pando wrote on 30.01.2020: asdasd Rating: Very Good
BERDUS wrote on 29.01.2020: HARİKA Rating: Very Good
Vainqueur wrote on 29.01.2020: Muy divertido Rating: Very Good
Enes wrote on 29.01.2020: very beatifull Rating: Satisfactory
xOSHINx wrote on 28.01.2020: bien Rating: Very Good
Caius wrote on 27.01.2020: Es un servidor .... �Distinto?
Nada de vieja escuela, todo es absolutamente nuevo y con un estilo propio, visualmente atrae mucho y la banda sonora que le han puesto, es genial, Pese a todo esto debo decir que m gustan mucho mas los servidores vieja escuela, sin embargo Ascyra logra separarse de la categoria SERVIDOR DE METIN y aparentar ser un juego distinto, Felicidades. Rating: Very Good
xOSHINx wrote on 27.01.2020: bien Rating: Very Good
Berlin wrote on 26.01.2020: GOOD Rating: Very Good
pepe wrote on 26.01.2020: ok Rating: Satisfactory
xOSHINx wrote on 26.01.2020: bien Rating: Very Good
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