Metin2 P Server


Metin2 FREE - Reborn itemshop gratis

Free ITEMSHOP in game, ultra fun pvm easy PvP, Internațional a lot of difrent systems!
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Language: EN
Online since: 01.04.2024
Max. Lv: 99
Rates: 60%
0 Votes
Category: Oldschool Root
Overall grade: Satisfactory (5 Reviews)

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  Player comments

4 total comments. 1 - 4 on this page.

    ro coi wrote on 04.04.2024:
    NU LAUDA POMUL CARE NU STI CE MERITA sunt acei playeri de pe servarul care la stricat si refacut gm este Mao cu nume schimbat cine a mai jucat pe servaru asta nu mai joaca da reborn si pierzi tot nu recomand ...
    Rating: Very bad

    ro Server foarte ok calitativ wrote on 02.04.2024:
    Server frumos fain că nu trebuie sa donezi ca sa fi bun. Pe acest server!
    Rating: Very Good

    ro CACAT PE BAT wrote on 01.04.2024:
    Da acum alt cacat la deschis acelasi servr a lui Mao cu aceisi playeri insa nu sta nimeni sa-u lamurit de Gunoiul de gm care isi bate joc de oameni si te ameninta cu BAN daca spui adevarul nu merita incercat nu recomand TIMPUL E PRETIOS
    Rating: Very bad

    ro Luca wrote on 01.04.2024:
    Au dato ei in bara la deschidere si siau luat hate, si lau redeschis si tare ma bucur ca acum le iesit bun server, e msito ca farmezi faci DC apoi te cuci la ishop cu ele.. si poti si cumparad daca nai timp de joc e foarte fain si bine facut serverul merita sa creasca ! They hit the bar at the opening and took their hats, and I reopened them and I'm really glad that now they have a good server, it's great that you farm and make DC and then you go to the ishop with them... and you can also buy if you don't have time to play it's very cool and well done, the server deserves to grow!
    Rating: Very Good

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