Escanor wrote on 13.05.2022: Bun jocul Rating: Very Good
Escanor wrote on 12.05.2022: Bun jocul Rating: Very Good
Voricica Jasmin wrote on 28.04.2022: Cel mai smecher server Rating: Satisfactory
Ionut wrote on 13.04.2022: Cel mai buguit sv care am jucat si staff care joaca metin si corup favorizare la maxim regatul galben pentru ca acolo joaca si gm are brezla nu vreau sa mai aud de sv asta Rating: Very bad
Nicole wrote on 09.01.2022: Pisat de server.Mici nu pot sa ma conectez.Am facut cont.Am dat click pe linkul pe care l-am primit,si NIMIC.Cand ma conectez imi zice ca nu exista.PISAT DE SERVER.Clientul este varza.NU SE DESCHIDE JOCUL.DAI START DE 1000 DE ORI SI NIMIC. Rating: Very bad
cociobei florin wrote on 24.12.2021: bun Rating: Satisfactory
sav wrote on 15.12.2021: very good server
Rating: Very Good
Beniamin wrote on 06.09.2021: Un server foarte bun, merita jucat! Rating: Very Good
Romulus wrote on 09.04.2021: Cel mai bun ! Recomand cine nu crede uitativa pe youtube. si nu sunt iteme modate nu are nimeni! Rating: Satisfactory
nYs21 wrote on 22.02.2021: very easy and nice game Rating: Very Good
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