nYs21 wrote on 20.02.2021: cel mia bun server romanesc clasic si cum era odata il ador Rating: Very Good
politaiul wrote on 18.02.2021: Deschidere server 25/02/2021 la ora 20.00
Discord: https://discord.gg/pQSMS2mXvF Rating: Satisfactory
Ion al lu Milei wrote on 18.02.2021: Eu bat cu saptamanile si nu imi pica clopot antic cred ca e sv stricat va rog faceti ceva. In rest jucatorii mananca cacat si dau tepe, recomand cu toata inima este un ambient care te va lasa cu sechele Rating: Very Good
SeraphineKDA wrote on 08.02.2021: Ador jocul! Rating: Very Good
war92 wrote on 21.12.2020: BUN SERVARUL Rating: Satisfactory
Skaty wrote on 12.12.2020: Serverul sta mai mult off.Joc de 2 saptamani, aproape zilnic pica hostul.De exemplu si acum este indisponibil.Adminul imi da senzatia ca nu este capabil pentru a remedia aceasta problema,Jucatorii faini. Rating: Bad
Berserk wrote on 08.12.2020: multumit Rating: Satisfactory
aMaTeRaSu wrote on 04.12.2020: foarte multumit de server Rating: Very Good
Bosu wrote on 28.11.2020: va merge srv? Rating: Satisfactory
war92 wrote on 28.11.2020: dc nu merge pagina de descarcare
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