Metin2Legend was created out of passion, for the real game from the past that has since faded due to the countless updates offered by the manufacturer.
Kanith wrote on 03.08.2024: Super Serv.. Rating: Very Good
Turbstu wrote on 25.07.2024: Cel mai tot servar Rating: Satisfactory
AiMiguel wrote on 20.07.2024: foarte bun si interesant Rating: Very Good
Leuboss69 wrote on 17.06.2024: MA JOC DE ANI DE ZILE SI NU MA PLICTISESC DE ACEST SERVER Rating: Very Good
IZoLaT wrote on 17.06.2024: Cel mai cel sv! Rating: Very Good
MadreMia wrote on 20.03.2024: Recomand! Chiar merita sa te apuci de server si sa te tii de el! Rating: Very Good
Sowe Valley wrote on 01.03.2024: inchide serv cand vor ei apoi asteapta sa te mai joci pe serv lor...staff penal de slab ,,evente la mai joc acest serv unde se ia la misto timpul playeriilor si nu respecti ca staff macar ca e playerul on si populeaza serverul .
Rating: Bad
laur wrote on 11.01.2024: merge, chiar merita Rating: Good
vladescu alex wrote on 02.01.2024: Cel mai bun sv privat de metin din romania Rating: Very Good
Ianisss wrote on 19.09.2023: place metinul asta Rating: Very Good
Metin2, the Metin2 logo and graphics are trademarks of YMIR. Co., Ltd. Metin2 is published by its licensee. Further content used here are trademarks of their respective owners. We have no affiliation or relationship with them. This is a 2024 Metin2 Private Server Toplist for Metin2 P Servers.