Metin2 P Server


Metin2Pandora - Find yourself in the story of 2009!

Metin2Pandora - Find yourself in the story of 2009! Classic hard pvm server, many quests and objects, balanced and attractive gameplay, are you able to reach level 99?
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Language: RO
Online since: 11.02.2018
Max. Lv: 99
Rates: 15%
0 Votes
Category: Oldschool Root
Overall grade: Good (43 Reviews)

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34 total comments. 31 - 34 on this page.

    Voicu Dumitru wrote on 11.02.2018:
    foarte tare

    Rating: Very Good

    Bl0ck wrote on 11.02.2018:
    Bun sv vi-l recomand mulțumim ca a-ți rezolvat cu redirectul ala afurisit un sv 9/10 puncte pe mna.
    Rating: Very Good

    idioti in pula mea cu redirectionarea voastra wrote on 11.02.2018:
    Ba muie nu ai cum sa intri pe site ca te redirectioneaza sa votezi si dupa ce votezi tot nu merge site nu te lasa ssa sstai pe site.
    reparati problema
    Rating: Very bad

    Baekii wrote on 11.02.2018:
    Foarte fain serveru a ca in 2009, descarcare rapida cu autopacheru baietii se ocupa de server dar numi place ca gm-ii stau pe hide in rest e ok ca te ajuta daca ai probleme va astept poate mergem la minerit si pescuit impreuna la lv mai mare bafta la toti sper sa tina sv ca e prea bun
    Rating: Very Good

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