Metin2 P Server


Zarkana2 - Metin2 PVM HARD

Zarkana2 este cel mai bun server clasic de Metin2 PVM HARD. Intra acum si creeaza-ti propria legenda pe Zarkana2!
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Language: ENRO
Online since: 01.06.2021
Max. Lv: 105
Rates: 100%
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Category: Oldschool Root
Discord: Discord
Overall grade: Good (54 Reviews)

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  Player comments

26 total comments. 1 - 10 on this page.

    gb Lethal wrote on 24.10.2024:
    Super de cacat server. Mi-am luat ban pe degeaba si GM-ul cere bani la playeri. NU RECOMAND
    Rating: Very bad

    it Moryana wrote on 15.09.2024:
    Admin trying to log into people's emails. We made emails specifically for this server's accounts and sure enough, of all out gaming emails, these were the only ones that had login attempts today. As well as selling the accounts of inactive players and passive aggressive emails.
    Rating: Very bad

    ro Sin wrote on 14.09.2024:
    Este server-ul perfect daca cautati un clasic. Joc metin de peste 15 ani si nu am mai gasit un asemenea server vreodata. Nota 10 baieti, va recomand 100%
    Rating: Very Good

    ro BED wrote on 05.09.2024:
    ASTIA inaintea mea ce lauda servaru ala sta zi si noapte sa farmeze dar daca nu intra 3 luni CONT BANAT SI PUS LA LICITATIE , cei ce lauda sunt din staff ca am jucat pe el dar e plictisitor si nu cred ca merita sati pierzi timpul pe el nu poti face itm esec si up pla bani nu mai zic ....
    Rating: Very bad

    ro Alex wrote on 31.08.2024:
    Cel mai bomba server, cel mai tare, cel mai cel joc pe el zi si noapte m-a prins jocu sa moara bibi e clasicul ala pe care toti il cauta si stafful e de nota 10 mereu acolo sa te ajute cu orice problema si super respectuosi
    Rating: Very Good

    ro Robi wrote on 21.08.2024:
    Exact cum fac reclama si baietii cel mai bun server pvm hard pe care il poti juca la ora actuala. Nu am mai intalnit asa server bine pus la punct, fara buguri, fara probleme.
    Rating: Very Good

    ro TURUK wrote on 05.07.2024:
    1 SERVAR de tot cacatul am facut cont nu trimite linkul sal fut de servar si gm de pla facut pentru donatii am jucat pe el chiar la inceput acum cativa ani atunci era bun acum sa futut ca gm ul VA RECOMAND SA CAUTATI ALT SERVAR TIMP DE PIERDERE ESTE PESTE TOATE SERVARELE ASTA E CHIAR DE TOT CACATUL
    Rating: Very bad

    gb Lethal wrote on 29.05.2024:
    The staff is just dumb and corrupt as it can be, don't bother playing on this server.
    Rating: Very bad

    gb Lethal wrote on 23.05.2024:
    Mi-am luat ban pe degeaba practic, ca am vandut iteme din item shop pe server pe care le-am cumparat donand in joc.
    Nu va bagati pe serverul asta, staff-ul este de tot cacatul.
    Rating: Very bad

    ro Havi wrote on 17.12.2023:
    Cica te baneaza daca faci o pauza mai mare de 3 Luni =)))
    Rating: Very bad

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